System Technology (Pty) Ltd



Green Bean System Technology is a small company consisting of its director, T.S. Selmer-Olsen, and M. Myburgh who assists with software, installation and is generally useful. The company’s offices are located at unit 4 in the Gillitts Shopping Centre, Old Main Road, Gillitts. (Near Hillcrest, 30 km inland from Durban, South Africa)


T.S. Selmer-Olsen has a National Technical Diploma majoring in thermodynamics, electro-technology, and strengths-of-materials. He is a member of SAIRAC (the South African Institute of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning), and has many years experience in the running and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, especially industrial applications. He developed an interest in programming computers for process control, and has been working in this field for the past 15 years.


Green Bean works in close co-operation with other companies that offer related process-control services and equipment. Most notable is ESW, another small South African company, that has developed a small range of general-purpose industrial process controllers. There are also a few trusted people who are contracted to assist on orders. In this way relatively large and complex systems may be contracted for and delivered without the customer having to pay for costly company overheads.


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