- Written for
Windows 95/98 or Windows NT/2000 using Microsoft Visual Basic. Designed to
be user-friendly to operate. No special computer training or skills are
required. A set of help file is created for each application. Help is
context sensitive.
- Designed to
integrate with ESW controllers. Controller parameters may be set from PC.
The ESW controllers report the controlled equipment's running status to
the SCADA.
- Customized
for each application so that the graphics correspond with the plant
layout. All major equipment items displayed on the main screen, with
secondary screens for details. Equipment running status is displayed using
meaningful icons. Key values are displayed as text. Mini-trends on the
main screen gives recent running history.
- Full screen
trends with full user setup for variables, time scale and vertical scale.
12 pens with different colours may be set up. Pens may be switched off to
avoid clutter. Many trend setup configurations may be saved and reloaded.
- Data is
stored in a Microsoft Access database, and the data is saved for at least
a year. The frequency of logging data to the database may be set to suit
the application (usually 10 minutes).
A 24-hour high-speed database records all values, and may also be
viewed on the trend.
- Alarms module
displays new and accepted alarms. New alarms may be linked to an alarm
relay. Alarm logic is custom written per application, allowing for unusual
combinations of conditions. Alarms are time stamped for time of
occurrence, for time accepted and for time cleared. Alarms accepted and
cleared are archived after 7 days and kept for at least a year. Reports of
all alarms may be printed for various time spans.
- Reports are
customized per application. Existing designs for reports may be copied.
- Security is
simple. Unauthorized setting controls are disabled. A password re-enables
the controls.